Mystery Behind Prince's Death - Freeman - Mark Devlin - Matt Sergiou

A Grave Diggers Dilemma

In an old cemetery called Heaven's Gate
a grave was being dug, {the undertaker's
name is Death} and he digs it deep as he shrugs:

"Who's grave are you digging?" I asked.
He answered" Why yours" in the din,
as he dug it deeper and deeper
he even gave me a wink and a grin.

"But I am not ready to fill this hole" I said
"that you've dug -four by eight by six,"
so he wiped his brow with his bony hand
and answered " of this problem I can quickly fix."

But he lost all his senses and laughed
so hard that he fell in my grave,
and I took a shovel and filled in my hole
as Death cried out " you mortal behave."

Now He was that Grim Reaper of lore
and was also known as the Undertaker,
but I buried him today- sent him on his way,
tis time that HE meets with HIS Maker!

AN Prompt "



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