Dr. Claud Anderson - Just Enjoy Your Life

Dr. Claud Anderson, a person who has been trying to get a message out to the Black community for a while, over 40 years I am told...I just heard about him this week.  I have listened and listened and listened to his interviews and speeches and I must say that I think his concepts are good but the audience he is trying to reach is not so good.

The alumni of Howard University and Spelman College have been doing what they do for a long, long time.  They have generations invested and grounded and sacrificed for this present government and reality. It is sad really...If Dr. Claud really knew how many lives lost it has cost to be where our nation is right now, he would just take a seat and watch the clouds go by; try to enjoy the rest of his life and his family.

Who does he remind me of?  Whitney B. Young is who he reminds me of.  Director of the Urban League, friend to Presidents and so, so naive...by the time he realized the truth of what this whole thing was about and how it truly works he lost his life soon after.  He could have retired from the Urban League and enjoy his daughters and his wife.  He had completed so much "work" he didn't need to utter another word ever again.  His family needed him so much. This so breaks my heart and if Dr. Claud could see my heart I would tell him to focus on his family.

So many many Black people have lived and died knowing what the "truth" is and yet, they just enjoyed their family, worked their lands and protected their community the best they could.  (Snakes, coyotes, hawks...) Life is very difficult, this is true but this concept of trying to help whole masses of people  - well, it is ridiculous.  No one does that.

Sigh....it is so exasperating...when I think of all the time that Dr. Claud Anderson has spent away from his family to speak to persons who view him as an outsider and will not listen to anything he has said. These people has simply copied his work and taken the credit that is why he is not invited to anything to see others complimented and awarded for his work.

My prayer going forward is that all the souls like Whitney B. Young and Dr. Claud Anderson just focus on their own families, themselves, and their communities. I pray that they not venture out amongst those who will only steal from them.

God bless Whitney B. Young.
God bless Dr. Claud Anderson.
God bless all the souls like them.

And so this is life...I am an outsider myself.  I like it. I remember the day that they wanted to include me...I didn't fall for it.  Lowlifes are lowlifes and they don't change. People who love and accept you - love and accept you.  People who hate you - hate you.

I have been who I am all my days, I have not changed. So, I have never been accepted by my family a.k.a. I do not have sex with family members so I am an outsider.  That is fine with me.  So, out of no where they wanted me to be on the board of the family's multi-million dollar business. Right? Well, yes I have worked for top accounting firms and top non profit business all without any support from my family. The knowledge that I have has just been decorations for my day dreams...however my "family" thought I could be of some use to them so they invited me to be on the board.  Well, I respectfully declined.  My father asked me why and I told him; I have always been on the outside and that is where I will be staying. Mambo said, he just wanted me close and my sons close to effect our death to redeem the life insurance policies he has out on us all...I think Mambo was correct.  It's really here nor there because it just did not make any sense.  I have been out, I'm staying out.  You did not accept me when I needed you - now I don't want to be accepted by you.

I know far too much to be a pawn - I went to Houston Baptist University. My mother's family is no different, just throw in some voodoo and injury to babies to cause brain damage.  So, on that side there is all types of mania, depression, multiple personalities, and loads of sex.  Mentally ill persons are always thinking about sex and more sex; all kinds of sex. Voodoo spells performed with sex rituals with humans and spirits are amazing to say the least. Ugh...family, sex, spirit, truth, .... life - just do what you can to stay out of trouble and do what you can with what you got.  If you have a lot to say but no one to say it to, just be quiet.

Unwanted by the ugly, the deranged, the drug addled, the perverted, and the stupid  ---  I am okay with that.


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