Copy of Whale, Burien, WA

Fin Whale

Born to swim free
Born free like you and me
But if you are a whale
No 911 for thee

When you get ill
With mercury, you will
And if you do not sink
We come to see you and think

Think about birth
Think about death
Think about life
Think about health

Think about how majestic
You used to be
Goodbye Fin Whale
Yet I believe
You are somewhere your spirit swimming free!!

This is one of the most sad things I have ever reminded me just how numb I can be "sleep walking" through life...this "incident" pulled me out of the cosmic soup of  bombings, drama at work, narcissists, liars in politics, bills, tax deadlines.... I went to see the Fin Whale and I thought "nothing". I went to see the Fin Whale and I felt "everything"....


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