Michael Jackson's Ghosts Full Complete Version HD Easter to me

Easter always makes me think of the un-dead not bunnies or hard boiled eggs with pastel colored shells.

What really happens after death?
Are we our bodies as I was raised to believe?
If yes, then what is that thing in our chest that stirs for various reasons like love a first sight?

That "thing" that stirs under your flesh that alerts you to the fact that something "deeper" in going on or about to go on...

Some people live their whole lives and never feel it so they can't relate to what I am saying...for those who do "know"...

Does that "thing" just die when our flesh dies?

Does it manifest itself on the physical plane?

I know it does. Just as many people are dead on the inside and are just bodies...there are those who have another component to their being.

Souls, everyone does NOT have one.  For those who do, they go on and the trials of life are mundane and temporary.

Now about the soulless  are they really ALIVE?  Those who are driven by sex, hunger, and emptying of the bladder and bowels; are they really ALIVE?

And that's what Easter means to me; LIFE this life and life beyond this life. :-D


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