Elevator Gate - The Carters, Sean and Beyonce'

You know I think and I think about ships a lot: Companionship Relationship Friendship What makes them work? Why do they work for some people - and not for others? When I first saw the video of Solange attacking Jay-Z I just was shocked. Then I began to think about family then bring it in to marriage situations, and then the individuals... One misconception for African Americans that may be laid to rest is that security/money helps relationships. This is false obviously. Ugh!!! When I think about what Solange did at this moment I feel sick!! She is not my sister but it does bring up one of the "ships" I have pondered: Relationship Family is a sticky one...you are supposed to love them but I heard it said that it is a stretch to force love upon a group of people who happened to fall out of the same womb. That statement hit me like a ton of bricks, let me tell you. It would seem that unless you have a tour to do together or work of some sort relationships are a mess...and it just sickens me! Although the Carters issued a statement - family, love each other, blah, blah, blah...I don't truly believe it. I don't.... Come sit with me as I wait for that "other shoe to drop"...


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