
Meandering is defined and moving without a purpose... I suppose a lot of people live life in this way...but does it make them happy? Case in point: There is someone I know who is a racist. He believes that this country should bow down to him due to his skin color alone. He also believes that he can treat others anyway he likes due to his skin color. In other words, he's a pig. He drinks all day. He uses people. He is rude and vulgar to his own family yet screams bloody murder because they hate him and are ashamed of him. So, his life has a purpose of some sort - to be a loser in every way. He is uneducated but believes he is super smart. He hates all non-whites yet without minorities he would be dead already. He despises his family because they are successful and makes him look really bad. He hates his children because they want to use him and only cares about his money. (Chips off the old block but he can't see it.) So, is he happy? No So, in my opinion his philosophy and outlook on life sucks but he's a jerk. So, I know he is not the type of person you want to pattern your life after. You don't listen to him and you don't hang out with him. You don't even try to help him. Why? Because he's a user and unless that is your role to be used then staying away from him is the wisest course of action. Charity begins and ends
with wisdom.


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