The Lesson Dr. Maya Angelou Is Still Studying in Her 80s - Oprah's Maste...

"I am a human being. Nothing human can be alien to me." - Dr. Maya Angelou

This video with her strong, beautiful voice brought tears to my eyes and a balm for my soul...

I have been thinking about folks I love and folks I really like; what is my responsibility to them? What is my responsibility to myself?

I think of how we all suffer so much at the hands of one another and how we willingly damage ourselves - it just makes me despair...

Yet, listening to this dear lady on the very day she transitioned - she, once again, reminds me that I am human and the people I adore are human and the people I despise are human as well - and it's alright...

"Nothing human is alien to me." - Dr. Maya Angelou

The Bible states that anything that we do is restricted to the human experience. Anything that happens for me or to me has happened or will happen to another human being and that's alright. It's alright for me to be just me, a human.

I am not perfect.

My family is not perfect.

My enemies are not perfect.

And we are all CAPABLE of the most beautiful and the most vile things.

That's alright.

God is not surprised or disturbed by anything that we do or do not do.

Thus it's okay.

But we can DARE to dream to RISE above the station in which we were born, well - BRAVO!

"What I pray for is humility, that there is something greater than I..." - Dr. Maya Angelou


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