Black & Whites

Years and years ago, when she worked at one of the Big 4 Accounting firms at the time, she had taken a course titled "Navigating The Gray".  That was a long, long time ago...but as she watched the black and white patrol car drive by her house the memory of that course came back to her just as plain as day...

It was a course on discernment and decision making...what to do when there is no clear cut right or wrong answer...

So many people live their life trying obtain a good and right outcome by doing the wrong just doesn't work.  If you plant onions, onions will grow - even patio gardeners know this, yet somehow day after day, folks plant evil thinking they will harvest righteousness, this makes them fools.  Mercia's attention turned from her thoughts as another black and white pulled up in the opposite direction of the first one.

As she watched, four officers exited their cars and began to discuss the purpose of their meeting...a domestic violence case...a lady, mother of two sons had filed a restraining order.  Well, her gentleman decided to ignore this order last night and came on by the house to visit and put her in a choke hold...  So the black and whites are out today to have a little talk with him as he promised to come back out today.

"What an unnecessary use of  my tax money..." thought Mercia to herself pressing her lips together tightly.  She had just filed her taxes and Uncle Sam wanted more money...she had requested and been granted an installment plan to take care of her tax responsibility, but she hated the money was being allocated for calls like this.

What do taxes do?

They pay for city, county and federal services like the police officers sitting in their squad cars, waiting for a man foolish enough to put his hands on a woman when they should be policing the area for loiters, litterers, burglars and kidnappers...  This domestic violence mess is something else all together...and again "Navigating The Gray" came to her mind...

Questions and answers flitted across her mind as she watched the officers talking to each other...
When you meet a strange man do you trust him or not?  NOT
Do you ever date outside your circle of friends? NO
A man who dates someone his friends and family do not know is hiding something? YES

Suddenly the officers burst out laughing...Mercia is transported back into the present day on their lilting guffaws. She thanked God she was not their commander. That laughing could mean two things; one they were taking the call too lightly or two it was nervous laughter that would lead to a man and perhaps a woman being killed today...Only time would tell the story.

Outside the officers sat and waited.
Inside Mercia sat sipping Lemon Ginger Hebal Tea and waited with a side of worry.

"Bigelow tea, Caffeine Free, All Natural plus Probiotics supports healthy digestion." Mercia read the little package aloud in her hand and waited.

Nothing happened...she said a little prayer of thanks and began walking towards her bedroom from the kitchen. She reached out her right hand to turn the knob when shots rang out and reverberated through the sunny day like a thunder clap...

Years and years ago, when she worked at one of the Big 4 Accounting firms at the time, she had taken the course titled "Navigating The Gray".  That was a long, long time ago...but as she grasp the cool, smooth brass knob  the memory of that course came back to her just as plain as day...

Meanwhile, outside there was shouting, and the sound of scuffling and then more shouting.  Mercia just stood there.  No point in over-reacting the Grimm Reaper knows when, who and how.  Nothing to do but wait... if you know about domestic violence you know what happens next.  The sobbing, the begging, the apologizing - not from him but her.  Mercia rolls her eyes as the scene plays out...she doesn't bother to go to see what is happening. She has seen it all before; unnecessary drama via free will...someday someone will get killed playing these silly games...but as fate would have it - not today.

Twitter:  @mscoletha
