Roger Williams for Congress - Texas 25th District

My Response to the following email message:

Actually, Colby Hale, I think he is FABULOUS!

His administration proves the GOP and other doomsday fear-mongers are full of it.  I, unlike you, respect OUR President and his vision for OUR country. 

Your insubordination is dully noted.

Thank you,
Coletha Albert​

Dear Friend,

Can you believe this president?

Last year President Obama said the 2014 midterm elections would be a referendum on his policies. After gaining the Republican majority in the House of Representatives since World War II, you think this president would get the message and back down from his arrogant liberalism. But not this guy.

He tried to pass amnesty by executive order.

Now he is trying to end fracking by executive order.

And he is trying to negotiate a deal with Iran that will ignore the Senate's constitutional role in advising and consenting.

This man is out of control.  And I am determined to stop him.

That's why I need your help.  The end of the first quarter is coming.  And I need to put up a big number to show Obama and his political operatives that they can't mess with Texas.

Will you send me $10, $25, or $50 today?

Together, we can fight back.  Together, we can take back our country.



My contribution to this "campaign"/blatant treason:  NOT ONE RED CENT.
