Fit to Fly - Flight 9525

Germanwings Co-Pilot deliberately crashed flight 9525 in the French Alps without uttering a word...

What do you do with a deranged coworker? Posited by Gayle King as I watched CBS News this morning...

How do we all feel here? Nervous, that is how we feel here in my office.  I have no comment. We are all just shaking our heads outwardly and wondering which one of us is cracking up on the inside.

Which department has the "ticking time bomb"?  You never know these days...hopefully everyone is fine.

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In the past, a person would not dare do something like crash a plane and kill a bunch of strangers...they didn't want to burn in Hell forever.  Well now they don't believe in Hell anymore.  Not even preachers believe in Hell anymore, they are too busy checking their "Go Fund Me" pages to buy personal jets...

So, what is the era we are living in?

The area of truth.  Jesus said that if you thought it in your mind you already did it.  So thinking it and not doing it will still get you a direct connect from death to Hell.  So, the reality is that we are in a moment in time where so many evil spirits are getting a chance to show what they really are.

They are doing it too in spades!  I have to say it, "I love this!"

I do.

Hypocrites are gone.  Psychopathy is really not needed anymore.   People no longer have to be fake anymore.  Deception is no longer needed.  No one is responsible for anyone else. No one is his brother's or sister's keeper.  You no longer have to be around people you hate or people who hate you.

You can just breathe and embrace the light or darkness of your soul without fear of being required to "pay" for any of it at least in your community.

Well, in theory, because what about all those families who lost loved ones on that flight? Yeah, them...

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God our Father, 
Your power brings us to birth, 
Your providence guides our lives, 
and by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, 
their lives change but do not end. 
I pray in hope for my family, 
relatives and friends, 
and for all the dead known to You alone. 

In company with Christ, 
Who died and now lives, 
may they rejoice in Your kingdom, 
where all our tears are wiped away. 
Unite us together again in one family, 
to sing Your praise forever and ever.


Dear Lord have mercy...YOUR Will be done...on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen.
