Remembering my Irish: Ara Morris, Chester Morris, George Washington Morris, Celia Bates

He was the first ever to be born on American soil, George Washington Morris was named after the first President of the United States or the 13 Colonies, would be more correct I suppose...  Never the less, this little bonny boy represented hope for the family, a rebirth, a new start in the new land.  It was miserable, is what it was.

Each day was a struggle, each day a challenge.  So many nights weariness found the little boy asleep before he was aware of it. His mother worried as she watched him sleep each night.  She was so afraid that something might happen to him in this dangerous new land. Going without sleep was wearing her down but little George was worth the sacrifice.

It didn't end well of course but it went on, little George grew up and married and became of father himself and then he became of grandfather.  He never got a break. He never made  a name for himself.  Still, he considered himself blessed with the "Luck of the Irish"  because he got a chance to live each day in his right mind.  A clear mind was considered God's greatest gift by George and by God, I believe he is correct!  Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours!
