Houston, Texas Tales

One day a Daddy jumped on a Mommy and busted her lip and blacked both of her eyes... For years 7 kids hated Daddy and tried to love and support Mommy but Mommy wouldn't stand for it. (Curious) When kids became grown they found out that Mommy got beat up because for over 20 years she had been having sex with her little sister's husband.  Little sister was a lesbian and did not care but the Daddy sure did. Today, the Mommy and little gay sister are alive but don't speak to each other, though they attend the same church. Meanwhile, the Daddy and Little Sister's Husband are both DEAD.  #AintThatSomething         

Image result for houston, texas domestic violence

A Skank from Southpark married a gangster because she wanted to implement her own Bonny and Clyde saga.  So, she was the brains for robbing nikkas and he was the muscle.  This was no partnership, however, she was the Boss and he was the slave. Slave got even though, as slaves tend to do...this one started making his own ends by pimping Boss Lady's baby boy's tight hindpots. Did you get that? Baby boy told of course, but Boss didn't believe him - she had slave on lock... Today, Boss Skank is on that pipe, Clyde is dead and baby boy is on Montrose hoping for a NFL deal. #AintThatSomething             

Image result for husband and wife criminals, houston, tx

A little ugly troll named Annie bought herself some hair and would do ANYTHING for anything... So she started eating out a witch so she could learn some spells.  Verily, verily I say unto you that she did for the troll was excellent at eating raw uterus. Thus the troll virtually covered everyone in her family with hexes of all kinds. Via a love spell she went on to marry her best friend's cousin then proceeded to take out life insurance policies on everyone and then kill them via voodoo. And so, she became quite wealthy but the money never lasted, so there was always the need for more hexes, more policies to infinity and beyond. Today, the weave wearing troll is all by herself, hearing voices and seeing ghosts with demons. Invisible "men" have sex with her.  Invisible "women" ride her and take away her breath and rest. Doctors just shake their heads and prescribe more sedatives at premium prices. Husband's family dead, her family dead due to hexes and poisons. Her ill gotten gains evaporate daily into the bank accounts of in home care providers, nurses, pharmacists, maids, and the thin air. No family or friends to look after her, she killed them all for the money.  #AintThatSomeSomething

Image result for voodoo houston, tx

Caveat:  These is just jokes. 
