Push and Pull

Samantha was being minding her own business when it happened...the shock of it all...and then the feelings!!  So many feelings. Her body crawled with the sensations of pain, surprise, cold, shock, wet, and more pain.  She struggled to see but couldn't. She could hear lots of sounds and smell all kinds of things but she couldn't make sense of it all. What were they saying and why couldn't they hear her as she thought, "What is this?" and "Where am I?"  but no answer came.  "Who are you?" "Where is this?"

She was man handled.  Fluids were dispersed over her.  Drops of some stinging liquid was added to her eyes and she blinked and tried to see her surroundings.  The place looked...ugly...no art, no nothing just plain, flat, color...she screamed at this horror and someone laughed, this made her curious.

Then she began to understand, she had died on the other side to be born as a human...sigh...How she longed for a better process to this procedure...

The Most Supreme in utmost wisdom set up a system that transfers energy to where it is needed at the time it is needed.  Samantha is needed here so she has been transferred here and when she is needed elsewhere she will transition.

Thus the reason for all the rules int he book.  Each person is sent to be within a certain community because the cosmos has deemed it necessary.  When a person is killed by police, murdered for folly or mistreated in any way the entire community suffers.  A void is created and many others fall victim to this literal black hole, thus the need for alms, forgiveness and restitution so that redemption can be made and the void repaired.  Some have referred to these as curses...

Oh well, nothing to do but settle in, Samantha thought.  Human life is good.

6who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death...Philippians 2

And so...some of us are pushed into this world via a woman's womb to be born and to live until we are pulled from this existence into the next as needed by the universe.  No energy is lost.  No energy is extinguished, only transferred.
