True Love

My one true love
Sent to me from up above
To build a life with me
To have offspring with me
To like no other love me


He took me to his Daddy's house
Then left with another lady - louse
Then acted like nothing had happened
But I did know sorry Captain


Yeah, he was my soulmate
I knew it and he knew it
But this is what he did and like that he blew it
So, I walked away and never looked back
He wanted some drama/excitement strife
I walked away for peace in this life


He stuck it out with her
They stayed together for years
Now he's dead and she's on death row
How's that for drama there you go
He looks back over his life and just grins
He had some fun, he explored some sins


Oh well, his family cremated him.
So what about me, his true love?

Inspired by a news story:

True love rarely works out in reality...
