Willie Mae Bozier, Spring, Texas

Even to this day, I remember her face…the hag had shown up.

With all that she had done in her life it was all a lie. She had a heart and very fine heart it was. So big and beautiful was her heart, she was an amazing creature in every way. She was born with every aspect for success in her life and her journey was blessed by many angels even before her conception.

All the lying that she did was to survive. Why did she need to "survive"? The pain that's why.

What is it like for a mother to love her child with everything in her and have a man be jealous of that love. So jealous in fact that he steals the baby away and sells her to strangers.

So, this anointed little soul is cut off from the one ordained to raise and guide this little soul injecting love and protection with every utterance, how does that affect a soul?

Next step, not only was she cut off from a mother's love but she was sold to people who were heartless. You can't really call them people. They were more like tapeworms. A thing that lives in the guts of another and aggressively steals EVERYTHING from it's host until it dies. This is was she was sold into….

Years later, she had totally lost her mind. Totally disconnected from her destiny, lost. She was "lost" on earth. How else could she cope? She was abused from infancy by these people. Sex. Everyone wanted a "taste" of this little girl…and for a price they could have a taste. When she was 14 years old, she was sold to an Army man. He was smitten with the little girl but the spirit in her and the abuse done to her body was too much for him to handle. He didn't know her "story" and from his existence he could not relate. Empathy, he couldn't experience it. It's like White people today; the idea that Black people should "feel" venom concerning slavery is beyond belief to them. They are shocked that Black people feel anything at all. Well that is how Ara felt about Willie.

She thought that with love she would be able to finally become whom she was meant to be. She could step into her fate. She could allow her wings to unfurl and place her halo back upon her head. She wouldn't have to hide anymore. So, she left behind the people who traded her for money, land and cattle to become the wife of a soldier. For a time Willie was at peace, for a little while. Then she became pregnant…it was "foreign". Her feelings, her body was now strange to her…the child was born, a little boy…and then he died. He died.

Willie fell into a dark chasm…she continued to fall until her physical death at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

She is just a sweet as she ever was but was her human life here a failure. She was betrayed true enough. She shouldn't have died like she did and when she did but she got caught up. "The Vein of Evil" - she had that; that thing that enjoys the sufferings of another. It is a childish trait. It is a vein that is removed from most human children by the parents. However, in children who are for trade this vein is not removed because there is no love for these children. This vein of evil WILL lead to the early death of a child if it is not removed.

You must love a person to touch what is "unclean" about them. Most people will not touch the "unclean" vein of evil. So, it remains in the human as it grows. Such was the case with Willie and it marred her life:

1 - Childhood to 14 - Prostituted,Sold into sexual slavery by the Bozier Family
2 - 14 to 21 - First Marriage 3 Babies Ara Morris
3 - 21 to 22 gave birth to another Baby Girl, Father Unknown
4 - 22 to 31 - Second Marriage, Fraternal Twins born, Wallace
5 - 27, last baby boy born, Father Unknown
6 - 32 - New Granddaughter born; already had a grandson - Sold grandbabies for money
7 - 33 - Killed oldest son, Shot him in the chest in her own house in Sunnyside, Houston, TX - Ara's son
8 - 34 - Drowned off Galveston's West Beach In the company of a married man named Doddy - Gulf of Mexico

As they say, that was that…a whole life - 8 steps…how about that for a timeline?

The purpose of life is to have a good death. You know that life is coming to an end and you meet death with dignity and peace confident that you have accomplished your purpose.
Willie Mae met her death in a trance. She was "drawn" to the death like a moth to the flame and because of the choices she had made in life there was no intervention…Why did Willie Mae make the bad choices? "The Vein of Evil" which is no love, no love, no love.

At the point of her grandchildren being born, she felt envious of the love being shown to the children by their father's families so she set out to destroy them. Prostituting them out to dirty old men. That was the choice that stayed intervention in her own death. More than that, she had a son who loved his niece and he confronted Willie Mae about it: "Madea, I am going to kill you and then I am going to kill myself."

How's that for heartbreaking family drama?

Well, I suppose you don't express this verbally, because what happened was that this Madea shot her own son in the chest. He died. But his older sister felt truly angered by this and so she went to Yoruba for revenge and revenge she got. So, Willie Mae died.

The crabs had gotten her so there was no open coffin. It's probably just as well. After she murdered her own son, the hag came upon her. You know, deep circles under her bulging eyes. Her figure became bloated. She drank more and more and more. The once beautiful hair became rough instead of silky…the hag was upon her hard…

When she went missing, her oldest daughter kept her mouth shut. She didn't really want the body found but because there was an inheritance at stake the search was not called off. The body, what was left of it was recovered so that probate could move forward….Meanwhile, there was Willie Mae standing at the end of Doris's bed…steel in her eyes. Also, there was Chester standing over his niece to protect and guide her in her life. Also, there was Willie Mae's mother to watch over them all but not interfering too much…as they cross over she greets them and helps them remember their immortality as was done for her by her ancestors. Some of the ancestors come back again and again until the good death is made.

At the good death, there is the progression - no more transitions; no more Earth in the cycle at 180 degrees.

So, Willie Mae has not come back - she still stands over her daughter… steel in her eyes. No doubt they will return together and repeat their journey, maybe next time they will just love one another and experience the good death then with peace and dignity enter their progression together. Thou shalt not murder means a lot more than mortals can ever know.

For more of my stories please see: http://www.amazon.com/Situations-A-Book-Poems-Life/dp/1457992019 and http://www.amazon.com/Situations-A-Book-Poems-Life/dp/1457992019
